
Welcome to Faculty of Medicine
Maranatha Christian University

Dr. dr. Diana Krisanti Jasaputra, M.Kes.

Dean of the Faculty of Medicine

Faculty of Medicine (FK) Maranatha Christian University is the first private Faculty of Medicine in Bandung. FK Maranatha Christian University, founded on September 11, 1965, educates students to become primary care doctors in accordance with the educational standards of the Indonesian medical profession. Medical Doctor Education Program, FK Maranatha Christian University, received "A" accreditation from LamPT Kes in 2019.
More than 100 doctors and specialists serve as lecturers in the FK Maranatha Christian University, which has around 1000 active students and more than 3000 alumni. The facilities at FK Maranatha Christian University are excellent and comprehensive. FK Maranatha Christian University collaborates with Immanuel Hospital as the Main Education Hospital and several network hospitals. YPTK Maranatha already has its own hospital, Unggul Karsa Medika Hospital, which is located on Jl Taman Kopo Indah III Blok H-1 Mekarrahayu, Margaasih, Bandung Regency. Let us join FK Maranatha Christian University to equip ourselves with various general practitioner competencies that are professional and based on superior character.

Education Program



FK Maranatha Christian University employs highly qualified lecturers who are experienced and knowledgeable in their fields.


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